Open Your Eyes and Look Within

Exhibition Statement: 

Jazz has arguably been one of the most honest and impactful genres to experience. Its rhythm and improv are constantly colliding with emotion and what’s left is raw expression. Open Your Eyes And Look Within revisits the coexistence of painting and Jazz, and it’s this relationship that Chicago-based painter Cedric Alexander Thurman has embarked their recent work from. With several works titled after his favorite Jazz songs, the scale and technique Thurman used for his works resemble the boisterous sound and rhythm of the genre. Drawing inspiration from Sam Gilliam, Norman Lewis, Jackson Pollock and others, Thurman has found voice and individuality within the field of Abstract expressionism.  As the music comes to a halt and the last stroke is made, we can find and appreciate his own rhythm, imagery, and noise created throughout his work. Cedric Alexander Thurman and The Silver Room welcomes you to experience Open Your Eyes And Look Within on view June 16 - October 31, 2023.


interior and spatial design

